
The Good Demon by Jimmy CajoleasThis book is the perfect treat for the fall. Jimmy Cajoleas has crea

The Good Demon 

by Jimmy Cajoleas

This book is the perfect treat for the fall. Jimmy Cajoleas has created a delightfully dark YA unlike anything I’ve read. The Good Demon delves down the twisty terrain of southern dark magic in the bible belt from the perspective of a young possessed - or, formerly possessed teen.

Clare’s demon was exorcised. And Clare wants “Her” back.

So ensues Clare’s twisty macabre quest to reclaim her inner demon. Cajoleas excels at rendering a thoroughly creepy, gruesome backdrop for his tale while also honestly depicting Clare’s disturbing reality. The piece is a breeze to read, and so easy, in fact, it would be simple to overlook the depth of its message.

This deceptively light YA book may house a fable a la The Ocean at the End of the Lane.  So not be fooled by its dark magic. It may just be your own inner demons trying to trick you.

*B3 would like to thank the publishers for the ARC!

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