#their hair








Concept: Freaky Friday with Jim and Strickler, only instead of being worried about preserving their personal/professional standings they each need to figure out how to keep the other from getting killed before they can switch back.

omigod, YES!

draal gives jim some kind of ‘magic gem’ that’s supposed to help neutralize his closest enemy. he says the little incantation or whatever but nothing happens, and goes to bed that night thinking it was a dud.

cut to the next morning.

it’s still dark outside when jim blinks awake. he sits up and yawns and stretches his oddly sore shoulder, vision slowly clearing as the foggy edges of sleep start to clear. something warm brushes against his calf and he glances sideways at the person sleeping next to him before - WAIT.

shocked, he jerks back so fast he winds up toppling off the bed altogether. he lays on the floor for a long moment, heart racing, before finally working up the courage to peek back over the duvet. a little squeak erupts from his throat when he sees a familiar set of blue eyes squinting sleepily back at him.


“uh…” but it’s not his panicked voice that comes out of his mouth, it’s strickler’s.

“babe, are you okay?”

jim doesn’t answer, nor does he look back as he jumps to his feet, races across the room, and flings himself out into the hallway only to find, well, himself standing in his own bedroom doorway with a murderous expression on his face.

“young atlas, what did you do?”

Love. This.

Other fun moments:

  • Strickler having to talk Jim down from his “I slept with my mom!” panic (But Strickler can’t resist throwing in a Young Oedipus joke because when will he get an opportunity like that again?)
  • Strickler being infuriatinglygood at impersonating Jim. Like Jim is expecting his mom to see right through Strickler’s charade but no, she’s too relieved to have her sweet, sincere boy back to notice that he’s still a little off.
  • Jim coming up with an embarrassing reason why he can’t follow through with whatever plans his mom and Strickler made while Strickler fumesacross the table
  • Since Jim-as-Strickler can’t legally drive Strickler-as-Jim does it instead, leading to comments on how sweet and/or lame it is that Jim’s learning how to drive from his favorite teacher
  • (Stricklerdoesend up teaching Jim how to drive. Jim may or may not use his newfound skills to total the car by using it as a battering ram at some point. It’s fine. It’s fine.)
  • Strickler reluctantly stashes Jim in one of his private safehouses because it’s the only place that contains no information about the Order’s activities. Unfortunately it doescontain mementos from his past lives. Jim soon forgets snooping for intel in favor of asking Strickler about his past (Which Strickler is salty about until he gets into the groove of the history lesson aspect of it)
  • It’s all fun and games until Otto suspects something’s off and Shit Gets Real
  • (Also idk I’m sure Team Trollhunter are losing their minds about the whole thing but the Jim and Strickler shenanigans are the only part I care about)

Absolutely insane over this


forgot to post this on national lesbian day dang it :,)! pretend this art is still relevant, pff
