



Captain Syverson x fem!reader

Summary: You meet a visually impaired man in the gym and sooner rather than later, the three of you (if you include his cute guide dog) are becoming quite close.

Wordcount: 1.1k

Warnings: mentions of ancient castration (though I am not sure if that needs a warning?

A/N: Syverson is visually impaired in this story, as this drabble was based on one of the storylines of the game Best Friend Forever (highly recommend this game if you have a Nintendo Switch, are into dating simulations - the greatest part: the diversity in this game is AMAZING)

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this is so sweet - I feckin love it! Awesome premise and that ancient story too

The doggo is just the cutest too such a naughty lil cockblock haha

The premise was just so amazing, I couldn’t let it go for just one one shot hehe (in the series, the dog has a much bigger role in it, because he is so darn cute)



Rich certified daddy in his late 40s early 50s!Henry Cavill x College student!fem reader

Summary: After the party was over on the yacht, Henry and you are about to have some more fun.

Wordcount: 1.2k

Warnings: unprotected sex, orgasms,

A/N: Once again: the coverpage might be consisting of skinny white girls, but this is the aesthetic I was going for. no worries: the reader is neutral when it comes to physical appearance. Also, I caved and wrote a part 2 (and a part 3 lol). Just a side note: going on a yacht with someone you barely know, at night as he sails it further off shore, isn’t a very smart thing to do and I do not recommend doing it in real life. But for fictional sake: enjoy hehe

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Oh damn rich daddy Henry is just a whole dang mooooood and I am very much enjoying living vicariously through this fic haha

(also the tiny fontbit killed me )


HAHA rich daddy Henry is always amazing lol. (glad to read the tiny font still gets you hahaha)



Rich certified daddy in his late 40s early 50s!Henry Cavill x College student!fem reader

Summary: Months have passed since spring break. What exactly are they up to now?

Wordcount: 1.4k

Warnings:Sex, daddy kink, deep throat, orgasms, stuff like that xx

A/N: A massive thank you to @thelastsock for the AMAZING procreate creation of giving henry cavill more grey streaks in his hair. it’s lovely and all i can think about

Spring break baby masterlist

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Ooof damn that went straight 0-100

This series is straight up the training?! I nearly keeled over at the thought I’m definitely gonna need a long cold shower after this intense adventure

Amazing work my love!

I NEARLY KNEELED OVER AT THE THOUGHT - what a damn mood because me

Thank you so much for reading it



tales of love - slumber party

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Molly is sleeping over at Sy’s place.

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1k

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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Adorable ! And I guess Molly and Sy are ok too

Jk jk

This is so freaking sweet and cute and I just *clenches fist out of cuteness*

As a fellow dribbler - I’m glad Sy found it endearing on Molly

Axel’s lil tweets/blogs are giving me life

*clenches fist out of cuteness* = literally me the entire time HAHA. Omg, me too - i literally drool my pillow under ALL the time (let’s hope my future bf will find it endearing)

and Axel > anyone else (i’m sorry i don’t make the rules ‍♀️)



tales of love - soft lips

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy really wants to kiss Molly.

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1k

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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Omg Axel is already so ✨invested✨ in this, calling her his human

Ahhh these two humans are too dang sweet and I might just die reading about their dates

Your descriptions are amazing too - I love how you’ve really gone in on the details that don’t always normally crop up (or are at least less detailed) when there’s so much visual language to use.

Axel is the number one Molly/Sy shipper and I totally am on board with that!

Thank you so much for the sweet ass compliment I really tried to write from a vision!impaired pov and the amounts of times I had to pull certain description from the text, because he wouldn’t be able to hear, was quite the challenge, but so fun to do



tales of love - touch

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy and Molly take the next step in their relationship.

Warnings: A little bit of smut, but very vaguely described.

Wordcount: 824

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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poor Axel - it’s for the best buddy

But also these two - I was right, their relationship is actually going to kill me with their cuteness

This me with Molly and Sy when they kiss or literally do anything cute

The gif is such a mood



tales of love - three words

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy wants to tell Molly something important

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1.1k

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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Ahh to live Axel’s life, that would a delight and a half

You had me for a second there though - thank goodness that they got it all straightened out

But like Sy is such a lovable dork

Amazing chapter!

This is such a dorky loving couple with an amazing dog - i love it haha



Captain Syverson x Ivy Sullivan(an oblivious one shot)

Summary:Ivy is expecting, however it comes with a few ups and downs.


Warnings: None

masterlist//oblivious masterlist

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OMG they’re calling her mom??? My heart

These two are so sweet and I adore that they’re still feisty with each other it gave me real lion king vibes:

OMG THAT WAS THE CONVO I HAD IN MIND WHEN I WROTE IT LAKSDJFALKSDJF absolutely love how it reminded you of this hehe
