

@thelightofthebane. I really enjoyed making this story and only wish I had more time (and words) to spend on it. Maybe a sequel is in the future, but for now enjoy.


Not Like All The Others

Magnus sat at the window looking out over the darkening land before him. In the morning he would leave the only home he had ever known for an arranged marriage to a man he had met only twice. Alexander Lightwood didn’t seem like he would be like this father, but then again he had never talked to him. Sometimes apples don’t fall far from the tree.

Asmodeus Bane, King of Edom, had just finished the negotiation talks for his only omega son’s marriage when he passed. He had promised both Magnus and his mother that Magnus would be taken care of. The day after the King did rise from his bed and wouldn’t ever again.

The alpha had been fighting off an illness for nearly a year. While he forbade his family and the doctor from saying anything the people of Edom knew something was amiss. They could only guess what it might have been, but when his death was announced the whole nation went into the morning. While Asmodeus was not as well loved as his predecessor, he would be sorely missed.

Continue on AO3
