#theme commission


as this year doesn’t seem to be getting any better, health-wise or money-wise, a reminder that I am open to commissions and, more specifically, I do:

  • rp icons (including editing premade ones if it’s allowed by the maker)
  • dash icons
  • add psds to icons
  • banners
  • headers
  • promos and aesthetic posts (together as they are very similar) 
  • theme backgrounds
  • phone backgrounds/lockscreens
  • themes

there are cheap options and less cheap ones, like basic icons (edited, sharpened) or the Extra™ frames, and everything is super customizable!

Final discounts grow the more you order and random sales are happening as we speak, so come give a look to my pinned post! 


-theme packs are your basic themes + optional free features starting from 10 euro/12 usd. Then there are paid extras, for example 1 euro /1.5 usd to toggle on and off unnested captions. 1 euro / 1.5 usd for a searchbar.

You’ll find a document for themes and one for everything else, with all you need to know about what I do, how can you ask for it, and what you will get, and the two commission forms that go with them to make your requests. There are plenty explanations and examples as I have a very personal style. 

My health decides how fast I go/some things I do have ‘basic’ looks (see under read more) so I try to make up for it with low prices. 

As you can tell, I’m also upfront about what you get.

which brings me here: while I make things for free following my ‘instincts’, this is not the type of commission blog that will take only a couple of info about your fc and then come back with a complete theme. It’s more of a cooperation,and I have a form in which you can give me all sorts of directions so that the blog will be as close to what you were imagining as possible AND I’ll still give you the chance to finish customizing colors and images and more by yourself without going to the html editor. And really, same goes for icons as you get to pick borders based on your aesthetic preferences and their price.

ko-fi’s coffees are always welcomed! if you can’t buy and you feel like helping your non-local chronically sick wreck please reblog this promo!

examples of my past commissions/private work:

 my last free theme was:


and I was allowed to use parts of my code to make a very yellow, green, fucsia, neon-like theme with lots of cabs and 80s style, images given by her:


with more scripts added in and others taken off, and with some back and forth on discord as I showed her my ideas and asked her for directions (like do you want alternating colors for links? what do you think of this moving cab?) and after one day it was done - with the option to change colors so she could finish customizing it to her liking, and same goes for fonts and their sizes and post-size and more. This is what she did:


Theme pack without animation/dropdown menu/separator moon between posts and the other paid extras: 12 euro /14.5 usd.

and of course some random promo gifs, icons and more:


going from this 


to this 
