#then the other two



— Miruko’s Assistant.

Rumi (Miruko)xblack!fem!reader,Taishiro (Fatgum)xblack!fem!reader,Tamakixblack!fem!reader

TW: Swearing.

Note: Yall ate the og hcs up, so I decided to come back in w the same prompt to give yall more, hope you enjoy it just as much as the other one if this does well too I might do just one more w this (don’t wanna milk it too much lmfao) find og fic here! Prompt creds to the anon that originally requested this ofc!! Your mind>>>

Just like for the last one, in Tamaki and Kirishimas parts, you’re a student, but you’re her assistant and help out any students that come through‼


⇶ Rumi was fully aware that her agency was basically god tier, especially in the looks department

⇶ She was known to hire black women, and take aspiring heros under her wing often

⇶ Everyone at her agency was also pretty strong, even if their quirks seemed minute. And the whole agency was a giant power house, and almost entirely ran off of strong black women

⇶ But despite doing all this, and having loads of work, Rumi had never had never had an assistant.

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