#then to image him singing



If you want to know how deep are my delusions

Rn I’m considering making redeemed Phobos a Bo Burnham like internet musician

Okay so this one sounded too unhinged so i decided to elaborate

Basically i see him taking what he already has - his sarcastic self centered personality and starting to poure out it and his frustration in the world through art , in this case music

Why music ? Probably because

1. He has bad blood with painting ,for two obvious reasons

2. A lot of musical instruments laying around around his new roommates

All of this , combined with finding an adoring and faceless audience through internet ( again, maybe with help of girls )

And you get the exact right amount of milking for angst - with his need for admiration but also pain of having this audience , him basically returning to what he was separated from for his own good
