
​ turned twelve on Walpurgisnacht! I didn’t have the heart to celebrate then but I am working

​ turned twelve on Walpurgisnacht!
I didn’t have the heart to celebrate then but I am working on some very exciting things for the occasion.

Firstly, a mini collection is coming.
Can you guess the theme? It’s inspired by a person.

And there will be a fantastic G ◦ I ◦ ∇ ◦ ξ ◦ A ◦ W ◦ ∆ ◦ ϒ , too. With some of my favourite artists and small businesses.

To be certain not to miss any of these things, you can subscribe to my newsletter via the “contact” button (link in my profile).

✣ Dea Marica, Black Salt amulet
✣ La Clef d'Argent
✣ Sol Talisman
#underthepyramids #underthepyramidstreasures #laclefdargent #witchesblacksalt #witchessociety #witchythings #medievalrunesofhealingandmagick ​ #heathenry #theoldways #folkmagic #folkwitch #folkwitchery (at Paris, France)

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