#there are only a few pics this time bc i got lazy rip

Hello! This is the info sheet for another #moomin drawing session. It’s been a while since the last

Hello! This is the info sheet for another #moomin drawing session. It’s been a while since the last one, but everything is p much the same.

We will be using anondraw.comagain, an infinite-canvas drawing site (mobile-friendly) that requires no signing up, so everybody can join in! The style is much like Oekaki or Paint, meaning it’s pixel based and not pressure sensitive. All skill levels are welcome ♡ Of course you can join just to watch or hang out in the chat as well!

I will reblog this post with the link to our drawing room when it’s time, and can @ anyone who’d like to be notified when it’s live if you leave a comment requesting that. So that leads us to the question:

When will we draw?

Sunday, 20th of May, 3pm EST (UTC -4) (you can check this link and compare your local time to New York’s if you’re unsure what time that is for you). The rules are below the cut:

The rules:

  • Try and keep it Moomin related!
  • No explicit drawings, meaning no nudity, gore and the like.
  • Collaborate, but be respectful. You can add to other people’s drawings, but stay mindful. This also means you have to expect people to jump in on your drawings – please don’t take it personally!
  • You may erase your own drawings, but please do not erase other people’s art.
  • When you enter the drawing room, choose a color to draw with. Please stick to this one color once you’ve started drawing, so it’s easier to tell who drew what.
  • There will be a section on the canvas where you can write down your Tumblr handle and your color. This isn’t obligatory, you can also just join in anonymously, but if you want to get mentioned in future posts about the event, this is the way to go.
  • I will post the results at #moomin drawing session, so if you don’t want your art to be included in future posts for any reason, just tell me in the chat :)

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