#there could have been so many wholesome moments




idk I just think ray molina would have loved those boys so hard but netflix is a little bitch with daddy issues so they won’t let me see it

We won’t see the wholesome content of Ray going out and getting Pride stuff when he finds out about Alex and Willie.

We won’t see the prime content of Carlos calling Luke ‘Julie’s boyfriend’ and the one time Ray walked in and heard him say that and Julie and Carlos just go silent and Ray goes “…now Carlos Julie might not be ready to tell us about her boyfriend yet. Just give her time.” He wouldn’t even question it all bc he has been there for all the gigs he has seen all the Juke and is the president of the club at this point

We won’t see the prime content of when Julie is at school and the boys wanna talk to Ray, he has the ‘Notebook system’. There’s a notebook on the counter, a blue, red and a pink pen next to it. Whenever they wanna talk to him, they write it on paper to him in their respective color. The best is when all three are at the notebook and he just sees a bunch of pens floating and fighting to get in front of the notebook to write in it and when Julie comes home she just starts scolding “Luke, let Alex have a turn! Alex don’t push Reggie!”

We won’t see the content of Julie finally working up the courage to tell Ray about the boys and he’s just like “…yeah and?” Is just unphased bc he kind of figured it out early on he was just waiting for her to feel comfortable enough for him to know.

We won’t see the PRIME content of Ray GOING OFF on Caleb.

We won’t see many things bc of Netflix’s daddy issues, cowards
