#there is no such place as away



Welcome to Wasteless Crafts!


Fast fashion is one of the world’sbiggest polluters, and is often made inunethical circumstances. Companies overproduce clothes and set up the market in such a way that tons of clothes are thrown out every year. This isn’t great for the climate.

While we consumers can’t change the industry overnight, we can tackle our own wardrobe, instead. Every bit of fabric and haberdashery we reuse is one less piece of trash that ends up in a landfill. Every fast fashion item we mend or alter to be wearable again is one less item to buy.

This blog is dedicated to giving you ideas to make your own wardrobe a little more sustainable, preferably in a budget-friendly way. I’ll be posting tutorials, ideas, resources, and projects that may inspire you.

Your actions may seem like nothing but a drop in a bucket, but even the biggest bucket will spill over if we all contribute!

Good luck!

Blog index:

Theselinkslead to lists of all of this blog’s posts, sorted by theme.
