#there is so much cultural history and weight to explain





many black women in the lesbian community have stated this but non black people continued to use the term until a lot of people will refuse to admit it is aave,
and i do not aappericate people coming into my ask and trying to start a fight over this especially if you are not black.

Listen. To. Black. Lesbian. Women.

when they tell you something aave, black off. It’s a simple as that. Let black women, and the black community have their own terms stop trying to steal their stuff.

this is all im going to say about the submission I just got (not even going to publish it)

Watch nonblack girls ignore this and continue to call themselves wlw

“During the Harlem Renaissance (1919–1939), “woman-loving woman” was a term used solely by and for women within the black community. The term was used by Ruth Ellis to describe women who engaged in same-sex sexual relations (Welbon 1999). It implied a particular intersectional identity of race, gender, sexuality, and often class, due to the systemic impact of racism that produced wealth inequality, wherein the woman-loving woman’s identity as a black, often working class, woman of non-normative sexuality located her at the lowest position of almost all social hierarchies in the United States. As such, each layer of the woman-loving woman’s intersectional identity was and is highly contested within the nation’s societal structures.”

 –Samantha C. Tenorio,  Women-Loving Women: Queering Black Urban Space during the Harlem Renaissance

Legit, 20 seconds on Google. Education is a marvelous thing. <3
