#there might be other creatures with longer wingspans


A rush of air, a shadow, and suddenly, a sickening WHACK

Such is the method of ehkusuiit Ik, the Cliff Striker. Long spurs on its forelegs are a formidable weapon for dispatching prey. Before the target can regain its footing, the cliffstriker will land to finish the job..

Its usual prey are flagdeer, but they have earned a formidable reputation among herders for knocking mounted birgs right off their trunkhorses. All the more reason not to venture alone into backcountry!

Cliffstrikers have symmetrical feeding arms (unlike Zhuuwhip), and the ability to rotate their eye plate to remain level with the ground. Their young can fly within a few days of hatching, but lack spurs. Instead, they cling to the back of their mother and scavenge her kills for the first few months of life, until they they grow large enough to hunt rat sized animals on their own.
