#theres clearly some theme naming happening here


Arthur, Ashara, and Allyria Dayne

Since none of these three Daynes of Starfall make it onto the page, I decided to post them together. For minor characters, there’s a fair bit of license to do as I wish with them. The only real sticking points are that they have purple eyes, and that Ashara has black hair. It’s probably not interesting to anyone but me, but I got into the weeds on the hair color issue. I don’t think there’s anything canonically stating Arthur’s hair color, though most fancasting I’ve seen has him darker. Allyria is betrothed to Beric Dondarrion, who tragically(/hilariously, in this context) does not remember her hair color after numerous resurrections. Ned, their nephew, has light blond hair, so the unnamed eldest Dayne sibling of this generation (perhaps an Alyn or Arlan or some such thing) likely has a lighter look and/or probably married someone with valyrian coloring. So I’ve decided that Ashara has the blackest, Arthur has dark brown, and Allyria has medium brown hair. Anyways, that’s my ramble for today! Ought to be following this up with Ned and Darkstar after him.
