
thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )thewildssource:Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2THE WILDS (2020 - )


Shelby Goodkind and Toni Shalifoe in Season 2
THE WILDS (2020 - )

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onlyheda: Shelby + touching tonionlyheda: Shelby + touching tonionlyheda: Shelby + touching tonionlyheda: Shelby + touching tonionlyheda: Shelby + touching tonionlyheda: Shelby + touching toni


Shelby + touching toni

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Could this scene be foreshadowing to Toni cutting off Rachel’s hand?

Hello! I have theory!

So right now for this theory I’m assuming that none of the girls know what’s going on in the facility besides Leah and Shelby. I am stripping back all previous theories I have and starting on this blank.

It is pretty obvious that each of the girls have a different amount of freedom compared to each other. Most notably Toni and Dot. Toni being able to walk freely to go to the vending machine, Dot also being able to dance and relax in what looks like a common room? So naturally enough I’m assuming theses are the people under the least suspicion from Gretchen. And then Leah and Shelby being the most confined and watched. So what if, the reasoning for Leah and Shelbys close observation is because after the shark attack, Leah clearly being stressed and having “a break” as what the other girls would view it ,Shelby would try comfort her. As Leah did when she was not doing well, the two clearly have some sort of connection by the time they get to the facility (NOTE the hug they have!! I know it could just be because Leah misses the 8 but it might be significant).

So maybe throughout Shelby comforting and listening to Leah, she begins to open up about what happened with Nora. Now assuming that Nora could be dead(OR seriously injured) , it would make sense why Leah wouldn’t tell anyone else this because the reaction would most likely be bad (Rachel would probably kill her for the accusation) Shelby understanding this too probably would keep the information Leah told her to herself. Not fully believing her, but also not wanting her to get in trouble with the rest of the gang.

Or there is a possibility that Shelby could’ve told Toni about what Leah was saying, and maybe how she believed a small part of it. Resulting in them getting in a fight? (There is a lot of speculation if the two are together or not by the time they get to the facility)

The note Shelby wrote said “You where right” she and Leah probably had more in depth conversations about it, rather than Shelby just going off Leahs meltdown about Shelby being suspicious. With them being watched and with the investigators knowing their cover is blown with Leah, anyone she spends prolonged periods of time with her would probably be under suspicion too and therefore have higher security at the facility. Maybe Shelby, was probably the person who Leah spent most of her time with after the shark attack.

Also I saw someone else point out that Toni was Shelbys trigger during her interview, how else could they know about their relationship if they weren’t watching them?

Hello everyone!! It’s been quite some time but I went to my first larp!! It was a lot of fun any my character was heartbreaking.
