#they r everything to me

rachelbigpeep: It hurts, having a head start but still losing in the end.


It hurts, having a head start but still losing in the end.

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Glimbow at pride

[Image Description: A digital drawing of Bow and Glimmer from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018). Glimmer stands on the left, one of her arms around Bow’s waist as the other clutches the corner of the bi pride flag. She’s wearing a light purple tank top and white skirt. Bow stands on the right, his arms around Glimmer’s waist as he kisses her cheek. He is wearing a multi-colored shirt, dark pants, and a rainbow bracelet on his wrist. The background is green and white and the artist’s signature, “Old Luci Boy,” is written in the bottom right. End Image Description.]
