#theyre always so rage inducing


I don’t really hate S ylvie. I don’t care about her. But saying I hate her is pretty handy shorthand for “I hate everything her character stands for since she’s a microcosm of everything I hate about the show”. Namely, that she’s the main character of it. She’s the one that drives the plot! The writers were only excited about her! Everything revolves around her! Only she is important! Her pain, her motives, her tragedy her her her her. It’d be the same damn thing if she was a man or even idk, a horse.

Loki gets relegated to being a punching bag and sidekick in his own damn show. None of his issues matter, none of his pain. He’s just a pathetic narcissist loser who runs after others like a stupid puppy. It’s even explicitly stated in the narrative so many times! “This isn’t your story!” “It’s not about you!” “A flea on the back of a dragon!” What should have been thematic statements for the narrative to argue against were proven perfectly true!  

So like, forgive me if I’m not enthusiastic about a character who stole the spotlight from what should’ve been Loki’s show. A show I wanted and desperately hoped to be good. But no, I just got punched in the face for 6 episodes while they told me over and over again I was pathetic for ever caring about him.

It’s not fucking “subversion of gender roles” or what the fuck ever. It would’ve been maybe if S ylvie had always supposed to have been the main character. But she wasn’t. She just completely wrenched the spotlight away from Loki for whatever reason. I’m just honestly baffled by how many Lokifans are perfectly ok with this.

It’s not being a girlboss to completely take over the protagonist role in a show that was supposed to be about one character. Like, imagine the reactions if Wandavision had ended up being all about Darcy after episode 3 and how stupid and pathetic Wanda was at magic. Or if FatWS had pivoted in the second episode to be all about Walker and his pain, with Sam and Bucky tagging along, the narrative showing how much better Walker was than them at every turn.

Like??? I don’t know how many more ways I can say this. I just…I’m tired. This fandom isn’t fun anymore and barely has been since 2017. It’s just one pile of shit from canon on one side and another pile of shit from the fandom. Both sides of fandom fighting over a dry bone while disney gloats.
