#theyre lesbians your honor



“Can I ask you a question?” Faye asks, lounging across the chaise and draining the last of her wine.

“Go for it,” Urbosa, entranced, watches some droplets trickle out from the glass, watches with rapt attention as the tip of the Princess of Hyrule’s tongue flicks out to clean the corners of her soft-looking lips.

“Do you ever look at women?”

She frowns, sipping at her Noble Pursuit. “I’m staring at you right now.”

“Not like that, silly,” The Hylian breathes a laugh, looking her up and down as she refills her wine. Her eyes linger on Urbosa’s long, muscular legs. “I’m asking…have you ever looked at a woman and wanted to know her most intimate parts?”

Urbosa swallows another mouthful of spiked fruit juice, bluntly questioning, “Are you asking me if I’m gay, Your Highness? Because I thought it was obvious.”


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! after four months of beating my head against the wall my urbosa/zelda’s mom fic has finally gotten a second chapter!
