#theyre toddlers at work as well


males at home: I am an incapable toddler, I cannot learn how to wash, fold, cook, clean, iron, sweep or organize, I am useless little baby I do not have the brain capability to take care of anything and I also cannot remember to do it and if it’s left to me it will never get done

males at home: I also don’t have the emotional maturity to understand any of your problems, instead I think they’re funny and/or stupid, and I will laugh at them. Also don’t expect me to not explode in rage and throw a tantrum when things aren’t going my way because my way of communication is that of an undeveloped toddler.

males at workplace: I, of the superior intellect and sense, am more capable of this very grown-up responsibility, I am the only one with the rationality and logic, I alone hold the ability to make these important choices without getting swept up with emotions or ‘caring too much’ (which in translation means I will feel no guilt making a call that benefits me and decimates everyone else, because this is the only logical and rational way to live, women are so stupid for caring how their choices effect others if these choices can benefit them! Except of course if they don’t care how it effects me, which is illegal and a crime, actually)
