



[Chained alchemical library] created by Pat Sweet

During the Middle Ages in Europe, books in some libraries were attached to the shelves with metal chains- long enough that they can be taken down and read at the shelf, but are still protected from theft.

Here are some examples of full sized chained libraries that still exist.

Here we have a beautiful miniature version that includes everything, the books, chains, lectern and shelf. However, it is hard to say how much protection this tiny set would provide from theft, as the entire item, shelf and all can easily fit in one hand!

“Six blank books ranging in size from 31-55 mm. chained to a wood model lectern.”–Catalog

You can learn more about Pat Sweet, and see more of her work on her website: https://www.bopressminiaturebooks.com/

^These book are protected from your thieving ways, bunny! And from anyone smaller then you!

–Diane R., Special Collections Graduate Student
