#thingaweek update


I made it a point to leave my tablet at home when I went to visit family. The truth is, I need as much time as humanly possible to relax. The first few days in Michigan, it was alright, but it’s been increasingly difficult to find time to myself where I have the time and energy to work, even just in my sketchbook.

I’ll be back on the 13th, so things’ll kick back up then.

Doubling Up

I’m taking two weeks for my Thing. Which is partially me wanting to do something nicer, fuller, and more fun for me, but also partially due to the fact that I got a surprise last-minute freelance project that I had to wrap up real quick this week, so I’ve really only gotten some very rough work done. Also blah, blah – self care – blah.

But mostly it’s the first thing.

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines

My Thing this week is either gonna be quick and painless, or late, or both. We’re reaching the homestretch on the current project I’m working on, so I’m spending more time on that in preparation for the deadline on Sunday. On the bright side, this means I’ll have more time open to continue my Thing-a-Week project on schedule from this point onward!
