#things i dont get about tumblr


Things I don’t get about tumblr 4,623:

When people make posts like “lol I lost 2 followers for my last post”

So many things I don’t get:
- who are these people checking their follow count before and after each post and why are they doing that?
- who are these people who can tell when a follower sees their post and can therefore know with certainly whether the person unfollowing them had seen the latest post or not?
- who are these people who can read the thoughts of their followers and can know precisely why any one individual is unfollowing them?

You don’t know you lost 2 followers for your last post. Maybe one of them deleted their account and the other decided that there was too much repeat content on their blog and you were one of the sources of it. Maybe they decided they want to use tumblr only to get cooking recipes, so unfollowed everything that wasn’t a food blog. Maybe it was just a misclick - I have certainly done that before. Who knows?
Ans: not you.
