#things i’m in




Hey everyone! Here’s this weeks (november 21 - november 28) addition to my Creator Shoutout Series! For info about the series, I explained it in the first posthere, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog*creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!

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sci-fi: hey y’all !! i want to thank you all for spending another year with me on here, whenever you


hey y’all !! i want to thank you all for spending another year with me on here, whenever you joined me. 2020 has been… a lot, and i’m glad i had all of you to help me through the roughest patches. all of my followers are near and dear to my heart, but my wonderful mutuals and friends take up the most space in my mind every day. i love you all, and here’s to a hopefully better 2021 x

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hcrror: hello loves! it’s been a busy, lovely, yet crazy year! for me it was the year I decided to m


hello loves!

it’s been a busy, lovely, yet crazy year! for me it was the year I decided to make this blog and make edits for the books I love. whilst doing so, I got to meet a ton of amazing people who I am grateful to know. I am constantly meeting new people on this site and I can’t wait to see who else I meet in the new year!

this is appreciation post for all my current mutuals. I appreciate and love all the people who follow and support me! my mutuals go the extra mile and make my day brighter everyday just by being on my dash. I love talking to you guys through tumblr, discord, and in the tags on posts! you all make me laugh and smile everyday and I thank you so much for your kindness and for being you!

even if we don’t interact, talk, or have met. I appreciate you all and hope this year has been wonderful to you and wish for the new year to treat you even better!

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wow, what a year! 2021 was a very hectic and intense year for me with starting in person classes at my new college and working again. throughout it all tumblr has been truthfully a highlight for me and my blog has become my comfort space when life this year got to be too much. so, I wanted to do my first follow forever! my mutuals are a big reason why I keep on making content and y’all inspire me so much it’s unreal. I hope all my mutuals have a much better year in 2022 because I know most of us definitely went through it in 2021. a very special note to my friends I have made through Tumblr in the past year - @w1segirl @ghostyjosty @rcwena, your friendship means so much to me!!!! I love and appreciate you three more than you could ever know. the same goes for @andromedaa-tonks​ @jilyevans​ @nancybycrs​ @thisismynerdyself​  @gryffindors-weasley​ and my other friends from my old fandom who are no longer active on Tumblr, I love you guys so much! 

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A black graphic with white line art of an oar, a shovel, and a crescent moon, with a heart-shaped smear of red paint in the center. White text reads “Freedom in the Dark: A Black Sails Fanzine – Available Now!” ALT


The day we’ve all been waiting for is here, fellow pirates! After months of hard work and all your incredible support, it’s zine release day — and the 5th anniversary of the Black Sails finale! You can now officially download your digital copies of Freedom in the Dark: A Black Sails Fanzine.

The 2 editions of the zine include an impressive total of 89 fanworks by 74 contributors. That’s 53 art pieces, 26 writing pieces, and 10 merch pieces — all about this incredible show!

Both editions come in accessible PDF format including alt text. They are formatted with printing in mind so you can get it printed safely at your local print shop (home printing results may vary). Currently only Dark Mode is available, but we’ll be adding Light Mode ASAP!

Download your free copies of Freedom in the Darknow:

Thank you for everything, friends! This journey has been beyond our wildest expectations. When we’re thinking about setting sail again, you’ll be the first to know.

With infinite love, gratitude, and rum,
The FitD Zine Mod Team ‍☠️

IT’S HERE!! I’m so honored to part of this wonderful celebration of Black Sails! An incredible amount of love and talent went into this from everyone involved, and I can’t believe it’s out in the world for everyone to enjoy It’s free to download so go check it out!


10934 → leocuccittini

Back with this url and it feels so much like home aka come back home in two years time plz

HDJAHAAJ i am once again confusing everyone also tagging some of the people i think(??) im mutuals with who provide A+++ shitpost and/or quality content

