#thinking about this again



Just read this Rhys quote:

I’ve said it before, but I just have to say again that there’s something so undeniably powerful about taking a guy who’s been honing his craft as a character actor/comic relief for decades and handing him such a nuanced starring role in a such a unique romantic comedy. Usually he’s having to communicate a character with mere minutes of screentime, making the most of every second, and let’s not forget that comedy is harder to execute than drama. Rhys Darby stepping up to play the romantic lead in Our Flag Means Death is the acting equivalent of Rock Lee taking off his ankle weights.



sifu hotman dont empty out that flask, damn

[ID: A 4 panel digital comic of Zuko and Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender, all lineart with Zuko drawn in red and Sokka drawn in blue. They are taking a break in the middle of sparring. Artist’s signature is DrawTheLines

Panel 1: Sokka in the background tying his hair up, he is shirtless, sword at his waist. Zuko in the foreground wearing a shirt holding his dao swords, sweating. Zuko says “Yeah. I could definitely take you.”

Panel 2: Just Sokka, he holds one hand out saying “Uh, I guess that is obvious - you have more training, more experience, and like - Two swords, Zuko! Two! Swords! But despite this ad-” his words trail off

Panel 3: Sokka looking at Zuko, who is emitting red lines of heat, face red and embarrassed, grabbing a water skin. Sokka’s words trail back in saying “…. Take me… In a fight- …”

Panel 4: Zuko’s head tipped back as he drinks water, red lines of heat steaming off him, Sokka in the foreground leaning closer to him saying “…In a fight, right?? Zuko? /End ID] @atladescribed


okay but, jessica flies around the city with her phone playing pokemon go and simon teases her about it but he’s really happy she gets excited over finding new pokemon
