

En la boca las sensaciones tenían otro sabor 

En la caricia la melodía era suave

En los pies que recorrían el camino 

El cuerpo que encontraba la serenidad 

En la mente que se encontraba desolada y vacía 

En la respiración estaba en completa calma

Los pensamientos que se desvanecían o desbordaban pero luego de un tiempo regresan al lugar correcto

Todas y cada una de ellas vuelven a su sitio, vuelven a donde un día tenían que estar

La excepción de todo ello era el corazón, ese se encontraba en millones de pedazos o sea roto. 

*MybLood </3



“how do i attain this aesthetic” do ya’ll not know how to be yourselves like wtf lol

The way modern social media has reified “aesthetic” as something more than just people looking a certain way seems to have really fucked up a whole lot of people’s perceptions of what self-expression is and how to go about it, making it no longer just a matter of doing and being who you want but a performative presentation of the semi-fabricated self-as-object for consumption by some hypothetical audience.

Subculture has always been a thing but it began as a means of expressing and indicating shared ideas and interests, whereas now it seems commodified to the point where all any modern subcultures are expressing is what products and internet trends participants prefer to consume, and that’s not identity so much as marketing.


Being Kind doesn’t mean becoming a complete pushover. You can be kind and have very clear boundaries about what is and isn’t acceptable to you.
