#this au makes me so happy



@hanatsuki89 and I share an AU where our Colonist Shaprds are cousins and BFFs. Here’s a ficlet I wrote about our girls getting drinks at the Citadel.

Dakini Shepard watched her cousin Briar Shepard constantly rub the back of her neck. Since Eden Prime she witnessed Briar retreat increasingly inward. The cause was more than the weight of the Prothean Beacon’s visions, the duty of finding Saren, and the endless onslaught of Geth. Dakini knew her best opportunity to get her cousin to talk would be at the next time they stopped at the Citadel. She had a plan.

Devising a workable diversion was tricky, but lucky for Dakini, Garrus was eager to take instructions and she could swear she could see the Turian grin when she asked him to “Take Kaidan, Wrex, Tali, Liara and Ash on the longest and most excruciating tour of C-Sec you can manage, and we’ll rendez-vous back on the Normandy when we’re done. I’ll give you 100 credits for helping.”


“Dak? What are we doing in Chora’s Den?” Briar scanned her surroundings, the dancing Asari and pulsing beats didn’t appear to impress.

Dakini sat down at a table in a remote corner of the club, situated behind a group of young human men ogling a performer’s flexibility. She ordered two beers from the waitress and leaned back in the seat.

The lack of amusement was apparent on Briar’s face when the waitress arrived with beers. “Dak, we shouldn’t be drinking on the job.” Her eyes narrowed in skepticism.

“Currently, we’re not on the job, we have about two hours before Garrus heads back to the Normandy with the crew.” Dakini took her glass and raised it, waiting for Briar to do the same.

Briar sighed and grabbed her glass, clinking it against Dakini’s before they both drank.

Follow the link for the rest:
