#this feels very cute and soft




(Hello and welcome back to flash fiction friday, where the official blog got randomly nerfed by Tumblr, so hi @stories-by-rie​ (and good luck dealing with staff).
Time for Tragedy Couple? Time for Tragedy Couple)

Once upon a time, we were children who watched the stars.

You gasp softly as another star streaks across the sky. I watch it as it arcs towards the horizon. “Make a wish,” I whisper.

I glance over just in time to see you frown in concentration. I have to bite back a giggle at your expression. It’s cute.

Your face clears, and you nod with satisfaction. “There.”

“What’d you wish for?”

“You just told me it’s bad luck to say it out loud!”

“Yeah, but I’m curious.”

“Nope.” You shake your head, hair flying across the grass. “I’ll tell you when it comes true.”

It’s the exact deal I made with you earlier. I can’t fault you for learning from me.


You smile at me, then turn back to the stars. I can see their reflections glimmering in your eyes, turning their dark color into a sky of their own. I’m struck by the thought that I would gladly get lost in those skies.

The thought makes me hot with embarrassment, but even that doesn’t stop me from reaching out and taking your hand before returning to watching the stars with you.

Keep reading
