
blossomsinthemist:A commission from @mirthandstar that was a gift for me from @this-is-captain-hands


A commission from @mirthandstar that was a gift for me from @this-is-captain-handsome  It’s a scene from my Star Wars AU, where half Zeltron Tony and Mirialan Jedi Steve go undercover to a club (well, Tony goes there to try and find out who’s been trying to have him killed, and Steve, his Jedi assigned protector, follows him to protect him, and Tony ends up trying to help him Blend In).  Thank you so much, both of you, it is the BEST!  It’s perfect, SO PERFECT, and Steve’s freckles and blush and Tony’s glitter and the intense eye contact … it’s so perfect.

You’re welcome <3 But also go readblossomsinthemist’s amazing fic on AO3 and look at @this-is-captain-handsome‘s gorgeous art, because if you’re Steve x Tony and don’t know who they are, you’ve been living under a rock :o

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