#this is finally done


(Abbott Fuller Graves, pisces venus 14°)


Exaltation is one of the dignities of a planetary position, in fact a very preferred one. Rachel Lang says “A planet is strongest in a sign in which it’s exalted. [Here] it can achieve it’s highest expression and potential.” So when we look towards Venus, we see it finds it’s highest expression in Pisces. Why so?

How does materialism and spirituality mix? I thought I dive in deep to discover what gives such a standard then.

Let’s see. What comes to mind regarding Pisces? Resolved, footless, cathartic, ethereal, joyous, idealism, emulsive, devotional, ascended, anarchic, ecstaticity, Aphrodic, Dionysian, adorned.

What is Love? Boundless, romantic, selfless, imaginative, fantastical, spiritual, rejuvenating, universal, unconditional, sacrifice, transcendence, nirvana. It is the sea of tranquility.

Rachel Lang further states that Venus is a planet that seeks harmony, balance and empathy. Further research proves that it craves freedom as well, under desired capacity to live their ideal self expression (a note as to why Venus finds it’s Joy in the 5th House) . You’ll find this may perfectly fit for the “mature archetype” of the mutable water sign.

(Victor Gabriel Gilbert, venus pisces 8°)

This placement at it’s best suggests that a captivating union stems from empathetic connection; a shared vision. You (native) may even seek to (figuratively) find God in them (your beloved), to submerge yourself in the rivers of love. At it’s worst however? Escapism and saviour-complex rooted in selfish conduct. Self deception becoming your key drawback.

“Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it’s destination, full of hope.” (Maya Angelou, 21° pisces venus conjunct mercury)

Pisces is an enigma isn’t it? Traditionally ruled by Jupiter, co-ruled by Neptune, exaltation of Venus, symbolised by two fish. It’s a mutable water sign alluding to it’s elusive nature. You can’t resist it’s beauty either. There’s an intuitive “knowing” all forseen without the need for words, thus the debilitation of Mercury itself.

(Model attented to by designer, Christian Dior, pisces venus 15°)

Goddess Aphrodite wanting to be worshipped to return the favour in abundance; the greek deity who was deemed untouchable yet completely irresistable. Married against her wishes yet never could come to loathe her repulsive husband Hephaestus, her matrimonial union was never soiled with hate on her part. On the other neither was loyalty upheld since aphrodite’s thirst for affection and romance never seemed to be quenched, thus frolicking into multiple dramatic affairs.

This would be where I’ve seen people, understandably, question the legitimacy of monogamy for pisces venus natives. My counter argument is plain and simple, the structure and foundations for romantic commitment is seen under Libra, the 7th house. Simple as that, marriage is just not for those who want no bounds and shouldn’t be forced to uphold them either. The sign fully ruled by Venus but also the exaltation point of Saturn. Are we clear here a bit?

Monogamy, polyamory, lust, sexuality, philandering these can be seen under Libra or Leo and of course, the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Pisces has it all and yet none.

(Frank W. Benson, pisces venus 0°)

Now this is not to say Pisces has nothing to do with any of the above mentioned traits, trust researchers when they admit it will indulge in bedroom pleasures when it wants and with enthusiasm as well. And that’s it. They enjoy sensual and/or erotic attention but it is not enough for them to prioritize a specific mate or small group, it’s not enough for them. What i want to inform you is the piscean’s necessary need for the freedom to live with unconditional love towards birds and carnivores alike, from shrubs to the marshland insects, the sick and vagabonds.. The desire to be one with nature and love all living things included whichever holds the breath of life. It is the primary Jovial attribute where abundance is found.

In Vedic, Shukra is the most occult and mysterious of the heavy planets. What the metaphysicians call the Divine Love pervading all forms of creation, is in fact the expression of Venusian impulse. Shukra produces attraction for physical well being and social status but it is also appreciative of spiritual knowledge.

Pisces represents the calm before the storm, the repose before the beginning of the whirlwind of the next cycle of manifestation. As such it’s not at all uncommon for people with this sidereal placement to go through many karmic events, in a repeatition too, and with venus in particular relationships become that prime theme. The key point to always remember about them, is how a pisces never gives up on what their love (noun), never stifle, always giving and try to enrich with it.

(Kim Jennie, pisces venus 1°; Chester Bennington, pisces venus 7°)

~material inspired by:- Rachel Lang, SagittarianMind, Bepin Behari
