#this is how it was up until the 90s



Literally think an anti-capitalist version of fandom *is* possible, but it’s one that would need to be more willing to be underground than what we currently have

less hanging onto official merchandise and new official media, more…

preserve old media. keep passing around the tapes, so to speak, for the stuff from 10, 20, 30 years ago. (channel your bittersweet qualms with that older media into analysis of the original text and creation of new texts, if you can.) create ambitious new projects that outdo anything the corporate overlords will give you. keep them on the down low if you know the rights holders are takedown-zealous.

decentralize - host curative information and transformative works on multiple media, multiple sites, torrents, flash drives. any given community hub could go down. keep your shit safe.

politically campaign for not just the extention of fair use, but for the shortening - and eventual end - of copywright duration. return your beloveds and beloatheds and your complex anxious attatchments to the commons, to roam free, to be reborn in the hands of people who aren’t held on a leash by shareholders.
