#this is not cool



Ireally hate doing things like this, but this is the first response like this I’ve gotten, and it was pretty unwarranted. While I understand I do not watermark my gifs (out of wanting more people to properly use my gifs) I do expect people to follow my rules. Even if you are unaware of my rules, being told of them should be enough for you to understand that you should follow them – as a decent human. Right? Not hard to ask.

When looking through the Niels Schneider tag, a slow moving tag, I noticed riverdale–rpgusingmy gif in this post. Since it says ‘ DO NOT EDIT IN ANY WAY. ‘ on every single one of my gif packs, I figured I’d send them a message. 

This is what I got back:


Even if you found it off google, even if google didn’t link back to my blog, if someone contacts you telling you you are violating their rules as a maker, the decent thing to do is just accept that you did, apologize, and correct the mistake.

I’m calling out the roleplay both for stealing, but also for being disrespectful and rude. If this is how they reply to something like this, I personally wouldn’t want to join a roleplay with admins who do this sort of thing. I will be contacting tumblr, but please spread the word if only so that people know this roleplay does not respect people’s wishes and that’s no environment any roleplayer should want to be around.

AhahahaHELP we’re doing birthdays today and I CANNOT find the box with my sister’s present in it, it HAS NOT left my closest sinceFebruary except to pull out my Mother’s Day present for Mom and it ALSO has Dad’s Father’s Day present in it, so I r e a l l y need to find it and I’ve torn my room apart three times already to no avail :))))))
