#this is not goodbye but a see yall later


so um ‍♀️ this is kinda funny bc i thought i would NEVER be making a post like this LMAO BUT,,,, i think it’s time y’all all that being said:

i’ll be moving blogs by the end of the month

now i honestly have several reasons for coming to this conclusion, and if you’re not bothered to know why or where i’ll be after this i don’t blame u LMAO FEEL FREE TO KEEP SCROLLING

for those of u who want a detailed explanation, just read on bestie

tl;dr: i just wanna give myself a fresh start bc college and burnout have been beating my ass bad </33 i’ll be taking a brief hiatus and then return to tell y’all my new url !! spoiler: it won’t be much different from my current one lmfao


— REASON ONE: i need a fresh start

honestly ngl this reason alone encompasses all the other reasons LMFAO but long story short,,, i feel like a new beginning is what i really need right now, especially after such a stressful semester and having random crashes in my mental health recently  

— REASON TWO: this blog feels too messy

now y’all know how much i love cellotonin, the lil theme i have going on and such, but if i’m being completely honest ?? this blog is a DISASTER like,,, my tagging system has changed so much over the span of even two months ?? my masterlist is kinda all over the place, and let’s not even talk about the headcanon requests i’ve kept in my inbox for over a year now thinking my ass would actually get to them i need all that off my shoulders HJASKJSDF

not to mention my writing/formatting style along with the type of content i like producing has definitely evolved a significant amount ?? almost to the point where i’ll look at my hcs from march in 2020 and wonder if someone else was running the blog up until this point i want a new blog where i can establish my theme, my writing and formatting style, and the type of content i wanna create right from the get-go and im HOPING i can do that by moving blogs

— REASON THREE: this blog feels empty/isolated somehow

ok so,,, this might veer just slightly into a mini vent but,,, idk skjdckjdcfv since the start of 2021 i’ve hit quite a few significant milestones in terms of followers (even though i haven’t mentioned my fc since new years HJSXJKDC) and i am so, so grateful to every last one of you here that have supported me since my starting days, you guys truly mean the world to me <33

HOWEVER,,, something seems kinda,,, off if that makes sense ?? like,,, idk how to put it into words but, despite growing so much, it feels like the interaction i get now is like a third of what it used to be ?? and idk if it’s bc many ppl from last year are no longer active on tumblr or if the majority of my followers aren’t rlly into the stuff i’m writing now but,, long story short it’s starting to feel quite lonely over here :’)) and honestly this actually has less to do with the notes i get on my writing and more to do with the feedback and interaction i get outside of that like,,, idk it almost feels a little alienating when 90% of ur followers passively interact with u and never rlly stop to say hi or sumn skfjsjfg idk if that makes sense i hope it doesn’t sound like i’m complaining too much LMAO

that being said, i hope that with a new blog, i’ll know that my followers are here because they enjoy what i’m writing now and not just sticking around for the fanart and shitposts i rb or for what i used to write a year and a half ago bc things here have changed drastically  

— REASON FOUR: i think my blog needs a new rating

honestly since mid-june this year, i’ve noticed that i’m interacting with a lot more 18+ content than i did last year (maybe bc i had just turned 18 last year but w/e LMAO), and idk i’m starting to feel like it’s not very appropriate to keep my blog without any sorta age limit on it yk ??

idk i don’t rlly wanna make it 18+ ONLY bc i won’t be just writing smut 24/7, but i feel like 16/17+ may be fairly reasonable ?? idk im still debating on this in my mind but if u wanna drop ur opinion pls feel free to share with me dcxkjxkjcv

— REASON FIVE: i want my writing blog to be my main one

okay this reason is actually a little stupid AJSXJKDCFVG BUT IT’S STILL A KEY FACTOR FOR ME idk i just wanna be able to like, comment, and send asks from the same blog that i write with lmao it’s just personally been a little annoying to have to do that from my main acc  


NOW ALL THIS BEING SAID, i will not be deleting this one !! instead, i’ll leave cellotonin up as an archive and even link it in my new blog if y’all ever feel like reading/checking out my past works from there

and while i start setting up my new blog, i’ll be going on a semi-hiatus for a couple of weeks or so ?? bc this semester has slapped me across the face and called me incompetent in 30 different languages on several occasions and i need to get my shit together before finals completely destroy my sorry ass LMAO

in the meantime, most of my time will be spent on discord where the full extent of my chaotic energy is unleashed, so if y’all wanna hang out with me pls dm me and i’ll add u <33 mutuals are legally obligated to add me or ur going to jail <3 /j HJSXKJZSXFV

anyways enough of that !! i’m honestly so grateful for how far i’ve come with this blog, and i love every last one of you who helped me get here, but i think it’s time i turn over a new leaf as one might say :’^ thank you for everything, and i hope to see y’all on the other side <33 that sounds like i’m dying hold on LMAODCKJDCF LET ME STOP
