#this is painfully beautiful



Day 23

Mulder isn’t picking up, and Scully is tired of calling. Takes place right before season 10. Angsty. Inspired by the Adele song, Hello & a conversation with a friend very late last night.


Dedicated to the lyrics anon. I love when anyone sends me prompts.


“You’ve reached the voicemail of Fox Mulder. After the tone, please leave your message.”

Scully let out a disappointed sigh as she hung up her phone. She stared at the sleek interface.

‘A fancy phone for a fancy girl,’ Mulder had said to her the day she showed him. She wanted to kiss him then. Instead, she snapped his picture, and assigned it to his contact card.

And now, she found herself in her apartment, staring at her phone, and watching as the screen dimmed, and then shut itself off. She put the phone on the couch, and let out a heavy sigh.

