#this is so good though



1924, feather river bulletin, quincy, california

mud-muffin:Here is my piece for Morning sun Moonless Nights @yoifantasyzine When making the first mud-muffin:Here is my piece for Morning sun Moonless Nights @yoifantasyzine When making the first mud-muffin:Here is my piece for Morning sun Moonless Nights @yoifantasyzine When making the first


Here is my piece for Morning sun Moonless Nights @yoifantasyzine

When making the first sketches I had just watched LOTR with my friends, so i was really inspired by the grim but beautiful world and story!

Both Yuuri and Viktor has been chosen as Bearers of the Ancient King and Queens two cursed rings. They then sets out on a long journey to detsroy the rings, but getting the rings out of the busy royal city isn’t easy, but luckily they get help from a feisty half elf who shares name with our protagonist! (Cough it’s Yuri)

Post link



‘Tis said that there are no ifs in history, yet man is wont to dream. Let us dream, then, of a future where a dear comrade lived…
