#this is so so so important



Learn your prepositions yo!

Something I wish I started working on earlier are prepositions. As a beginner you learn how to conjugate verbes. Let’s take the verb parler(to speak) for example. As you get more advanced, you learn the expressions that accompany that verb: parler à/parler de

This is how French was taugh to me: first the grammatical bases and then we build upon them with expressions and nuances. This method was great in that it did not overwhelm me and my other classmates with too much grammar at once. However, I wish I was taught prepositions while learning the verbs so that relative pronouns (like duquel and laquelle) would be more instinctual. So, I encourage you to look at this list my teacher gave me and start memorizing the preposition that goes with the verb. It’ll help you in the long term!
