#this is the au i have wanted to draw since i was twelve

lord of the rings football au? lord of the rings football au.boromir húrin#4captain of minas tirith

lord of the rings football au? lord of the rings football au.

boromir húrin

  • #4
  • captain of minas tirith fc and the gondorian national team
  • position: libero
  • if sergio ramos and steven gerrard had a big loyal hard-tackling bad decision-making baby it would be boromir
  • only ever gets to play on the same team as his little bro during international break :(

faramir húrin

  • #8
  • captain of emyn arnen fc
  • position: center mid for emyn arnen but is constantly farmed out on the wing on the national team by manager denethor
  • if andrea pirlo and xabi alonso had a beautiful pinpoint-passing baby with vision™ it would be faramir
  • really should be doing more post-match interviews than his brother

denethor húrin

  • caretaker manager of the gondorian national team
  • catenaccio. catenaccio. catenaccio.
  • wears shorts and shinguards under his trackie bottoms in case he ever needs to sub himself on
  • how many seasons needs it to make a caretaker manager a manager, if the manager returns not?
  • if pep guardiola and jose mourinho had a baby it would. be horrible. but it would also behave exactly like denethor
  • “if pep was in middle earth and came into possession of a palantir he would absolutely use it” - @zevons
  • minas tirith fc’s crest represents the city’s seven levels and the white tree; emyn arnen’s crest is meant to look like a waterfall in reference to henneth annûn. this is the extent of my graphic design ability
  • denethor’s quote is, of course, taken from jose mourinho
  • the kit sponsor says “adidas” in tengwar. the sponsor behind denethor says “bwin.” 
  • did i give boromir the 4 for awful chinese reasons? you bet i did
  • i was halfway through drawing this when i realized that everythingshould probably be in tengwar and then i didn’t want to half-ass it by just transliterating english into tengwar so i broke out my old dictionary and fully spent three hours trying to remember all the sindarin teenage ireny knew
  • should everything actually be in westron instead? yes, probably! 
  • but in sabs’s and my very carefully thought-out au, football was invented by the elves during the years of the trees and as a result quenya and now sindarin remain the lingua franca in football. i will not be taking questions at this time
  • gwaith tâlgoron is my amateur attempt to translate “football club” into sindarin, lit. “team of football,” from gwaith “army, host, assortment of men” depending on which translator you look at, tâl “foot”,coron “ball, globe”
  • at this point my high school sindarin failed me and i couldn’t figure out whether i was suppose to lenite the cincorontog.as far as i could tell it could go either way, so i went with the gsolely because it looked nicer. someone who is even more pedantic than me is welcome to tell me if i am wrong
  • there may be more in this au because sabs and i got reallyinto it

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