#this is whumpee murdering whumper



“How does it feel, Whumpee,” Whumper gasps around the knife in their stomach. “To find that you were just like me all along?”

Whumpee watches silently as blood pools around Whumper’s fingers, down their pants and to the floor. The same dull concrete where so much more of Whumpee’s blood was spilled. Whumpee reaches out to grasp Whumper’s shoulders as they sway on their feet.

Their eyes meet, and Whumper’s triumphant smile fades as they finally see the crazed light in Whumpee’s eyes. How their pupils dialate. How their mouth twists in a lifeless smile. Whumpee leans forward and their breath burns in Whumper’s ear.

“I’m not just like you,” they whisper. “I’m worse.”

Whumper slides from their grip.
