#this is worth a rb



The aromantic agenda is a good one.

Go and think about what kinds of relationships you want. Don’t think about labels like romantic or platonic or sexual, think purely about what relationships would make you happiest.

When I realized I was aromantic, I was asked things like “Would you still date? Would you have a QPR? Will you ever kiss?”

But the aromantic community didn’t ask that. Instead, they focused on “What do you want in a world where anything is possible?”

And I realized I want to be alone, surrounded by friends and family I love who are close enough, I can bring them fresh baked scones when I overbake.

They asked me “What do you want?” and the question was so broad, I could weigh labels in my hand like queerplatonic partner and nonpartnering and significant other. I could look at these and shrug and say, “What I want is to not worry about questions I don’t care about.” I could shelve these indefinitely. Maybe even forever. And just enjoy being myself.

The aromantic community celebrates exploration. Tells people asking if they are aromantic, “This is a personal decision. Your personal decision. If this label helps you, take it. If this community helps you, stay as long as you need. You don’t have to be labelled anything, aromantic or otherwise, unless it would bring you comfort. You don’t have to be anything you aren’t.”

It’s a good community with good philosophies born from a unique experience, not rooted in missing out, but in being forced to consider what you want when you don’t want what’s expected.
