#this isnt even politics







every WEEK another reason to scream about afghanistan

Biden wants to steal the central bank’s assets and give half of it to the 9/11 families??? what the FUCK????? 3.5 BILLION DOLLARS STOLEN FROM AFGHANISTAN FOR THE FAMILIES? what year is it I’m having a stroke

Like literally………. Afghan people cannot get their own money from the bank and cannot easily access money sent to them from abroad, often money that they desperately need to feed their families and/or flee the country……….. because the US government wants to give half their money to 9/11 victims because ????? How are the people of Afghanistan responsible for 9/11 in LITERALLY ANY WAY? Oh yeah, and the other half of the money will be put in a trust fund for Afghanistan because Afghand are rebellious children who can’t be trusted with their own money.

@fursasaida@septembriseur I’m really glad to see people talking about this more!!

Sanctions / freezing-assets are pushing ordinary Afghans to starvation while doing nothing to “stop the Taliban,” it’s war-by-other-means post-troop-withdrawal.

Afghan Women’s Mission is collecting donations for the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.

CodePink is also holding vigils, etc, to amplify the call to unfreeze Afghanistan.

I don’t know how effective or well-organized the Avaaz fundraiser for famine relief is. Women For Afghan Women seems legit.

I have a feeling the person above understands even bigger economic ramifications of this issue!
