#this kinda made my day



i was looking up photos of MM for a fic thing and stumbled upon his talent agency page and saw he has something new listed under his resume post-gg that otherwise doesn’t seem like it’s on imdb yet

not 100% sure it’s accurate cuz his bio isn’t updated (it’s still pre s3-gg), but if it is, looks like he might be in season 4 of mayans MC?

Wow! I was hoping it would be Mayans ever since he mentioned working on a “high-profile show” a few months back.

Being a huge SOA fan, I’ve never watched Mayans because I didn’t want it to tarnish my memory of SOA in case it wasn’t as good, but I always wanted an extra reason to watch it. This. This is it. Fingers crossed it’s true and he gets plenty of screen time.

Oh, and as for it not being on imdb - as a rule, recurring/guest roles in TV shows are listed only after an episode airs, so no issue there.
