#this looks so helpful




Hello friends and enemies,

I have decided to do a masters degree for some fucking reason. Due to these godforsaken circumstances, I am going to be a student again.

Now, based on my experience being an undergrad with my Brain and Misc Issues, I knew that my hubris in pursuing YET MORE EDUCATION would result in having to write a lot of stressful emails, while dealing with a stressful situation.

So, to help myself cope in advance, I’ve decided to write drafts of these emails in advance, so that it’s less agonisingly painful to deal with this shit when it comes up.

And you can use them too!

under the cut, I have some draft emails for when you need to tell your lecturers:

  1. I’m going to miss a lecture.
  2. I have missed a lecture
  3. I will be turning in an assignment late
  4. I have missed a deadline
  5. I have had a personal crisis which impacts my studies.
  6. SEND AT START OF SEMESTER: explaining that you fidget/stim without using the word stim.

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This is a wonderful resource! Like you, OP, I decided to do the school thing again after finishing the bachelors, and I hope you experience all the success you deserve! 

I’d like to add on to this post with a list of accommodations that many universities have for neurodivergent undergrads and grad students. I went into my grad program not even knowing accommodations were available to us. Thought this list might be useful to others…

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