#this made my heart and soul go all soft



Attack on Titan dads, get so overwhelmed by the birth of their firstborn they cry holding them for the first time.

They help with everything at home and tell you what a great job you’re doing as well.

After a tiring night where baby just won’t sleep, they kiss your cheek and whisper “it’s okay, stay in bed, I got it.”

You manage about an hour of sleep and upon waking go to the babies room to find dad walking around the room humming soft lullabies with them in their arms.

Standing quietly in the doorway taking in the sight, you hear pieces of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and You Are My Sunshine, among other things.

Seeing you there with a smile on your face, dad smiles back and motions for you to come over. As they keep one arm holding the baby, the other goes around you, whispering a small “morning.”

Baby is fast asleep in daddies arms, and you sigh happily, wrapping your arms around your partners waist, thankful for a peaceful morning with your two loves.
