#this one is good too



Dancing/Singing and Canned Fruit (Íþró /Robbie)!

The return of the useless gays! Enjoy!

“Teach me to dance.”

The words fall out of Íþróttaálfurinn’s mouth before the thought can fully form in is mind. Robbie stares at him, eyebrows up, and Íþró wonders if Robbie can see right through him.

“Why?” Robbie asks after a pause.

Íþró shrugs, trying to sound as causal as possible over his rapidly beating heart. “I do not know how. Bessie and Milford are getting married tomorrow. There will be dancing at their reception.”

Robbie blinks owlishly. “How can you, the King of Moving, not know how to dance?”

“I do not know how to dance with someone. Can you help out me or not?”

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