#this reminds me i should finish billie fanart



Thr one, the absolute ONE thing I love about dishonored? Aside from the morality mechanics and the story and just everything….is that literally there are gay/bi/Ace characters and its just. A Thing.

It’s not turned into this big OMG or even ignored completely its just there. Its a part of the characters and if you paY attention its clearly THERE but its not treated as anything except this is how the character is.

And I love that.

Ohhh this! And Billie, my beloved! <3

As 35+ yo I could finally play the action game with the woman my age as a protagonist. The woman who wasn’t portrayed as another milf or a clone of Eva Green. The woman with high skill, independence, self-control and amazing focus on tasks, yet still able to care deeply for her companions or get through anger, sadness and hopelessness.

Even 50+ yo guys are still fine as a protagonist in action games, but women just disappear after hitting 35+ and get only supporting role.
