#this series is for us and us alone

forcearama:forcearama: forcearama: Me @ Lucasfilm it’s not that hard you guys  …really starting to l




Me @ Lucasfilm it’s not that hard you guys 

…really starting to look like Lucasfilm got my memo. We’ve already practically gotten half of these just from the damn TRAILERS.

(Let’s hope this means they also heeded the “Shirtless Nightmare” section of the chart.)

OK gang, let’s review.

In the first TWO EPISODES ALONE, we got:

  • Staring protectively at Luke
  • Skywalker Saber looked at with Regret and Sadness
  • Kicking someone’s ass while looking glorious
  • Partial Credit for Clone Wars Flashback (in that it was TECHNICALLY flashbacks to the Clone Wars era, even if it was largely old footage)
  • Less Partial Credit for Shirtless Nightmare, because it was a Shirted Nightmare but still emo
  • As the OP of this post I’m gonna go ahead and award full credit for “taking care of his bantha friends”, just swap “bantha” for “eopie”
  • Also gonna award like…~80-90% credit for Crying about Anakin even though he did not literally shed tears because that face at the end of the second episode devastated me
  • Full points for Hair Blowing Majestically In Wind

Somebody at Lucasfilm did their homework. God bless.

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