#this theory is unlikely to actually occur in reality


So on her Reddit AMA, Muir said that Alecto the Ninth would feature a heist “undertaken by idiots”. Assuming this is performed by only the living characters (which is actually a big assumption since death doesn’t seem to prevent most activities in this series), who are the biggest idiots in the books?

GIDEON AND IANTHE. Dumbasses both of them. 

What if Gideon and Ianthe are forced to team up for the shared goal of rescuing Harrow? 

Like, how amazing would it be if Ianthe and Gideon had to set aside all their loathing and animosity to rescue the one person in the universe who they both like?

See, I assumed at first that said heist would be performed by BoE dumbos, but then Camilla would be involved and Camilla Hect is the opposite of idiot.

So it has to be Ianthe and Gideon. I so badly want to read about the terrible and reluctant adventures of Gideon Nav and Ianthe “The Worst” Tridentarius.
