#this was so cute n fluffy



I Appreciate You - Sharon Carter x Female Reader

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Request: Yep! Please don’t hesitate to send more Sharon! I love her so much

Summary:Flashbacks in italics. Single Parent!Sharon & Teacher!Reader. Sharon and her son had recently moved cities and were finding it nerve-wracking, but once they met you, they felt more comfortable in their new life.

Warnings: None! Just pure fluffiness.

Word Count: 3.2K+

“Are you ready for your first day, pumpkin?” Sharon inquired to the small boy, who was sitting in his booster seat, in the backseat of her car. She smiled when he shuffled excitedly in his seat, clutching his backpack.

“Yes, mommy! I’m so excited, I hope my teacher is nice,” he commented, double-checking his bag one more before he looked out of the window as she pulled up to the school. He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and shuffled out of his seat once the car had come to a full stop. “Mommy come on! I’m going to be late.”

Sharon shook her head and gently chuckled to herself, “You won’t baby boy, but it’s nice to see you’re so excited about starting.” It’s like a switch went off as soon as she mentioned his excitement, and she frowned when she saw him deflate slightly and tucked himself into her legs, holding on tight.

“Hey, hey, hey. Where did my excited little sunshine go, huh? What’s the matter?”

“I’m nervous, everybody has been at this school already, what if I can’t make any friends?” Frankie pouted, his eyes brimming with tears. The blonde frowned and knelt to his eye level and stroked his fringe out of his face.

“Sweetie, you’re going to be fine, do you want me to come in with you so I can talk to your teacher?”

“Yes please,” he mumbled as he hugged Sharon’s leg tighter.

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ultimate sharon fluff!! also, Frankie is the cutests bye so good and such an amazing concept of single parent sharon <33
