#thomas rambles



Hi so I’m not informed whatsoever in football(soccer), and for a fic i just would like to know if two ppl are like arguing (or just like friend banter or w/e) about it. What would the like, most generic thing they’d be fighting about?

As a Yorkshire lad…I’d say usually it’s if it the referee was right to award a free kick


Or a yellow/red card to a player.


Most football arguments I’ve been around have been the result of the referee (we’d call him ‘the ref’s’) decision.

“Whatever mate that ref doesn’t know what’s talking about! Yellow card? You’re having a laugh!”

If you want to go more generic, definitely just team rivalry. The big team that the ED boys would most likely support is Leeds United. Other popular teams to support are Liverpool, Arsenal and Manchester United. Leeds Utd aren’t that great at football either so a lot of people would take the piss out of a Leeds supporter. If the other person supported one of the other teams I mentioned, the Leeds supporter would probably accuse them of being a ‘glory supporter’ because those 3 teams tend to always finish high in the Premiership League.

We also call football ‘footy’. “Wanna watch the footy tonight?”

Hope this helps!
