

To: Flor @thomashuntxmc

From: Leah @leah-khaleesi

“You’re a jerk, Chris!” Luna laughed at whatever her actor friend had whispered in her ear, rolling her eyes and linking her arm with his as they took the customary break in between scenes.

Thomas Hunt realized he hadn’t felt real jealousy until this moment.

Oh, he had played jealous roles, of course. But he was near certain even the finest of actors couldn’t come close to what he was feeling now. This irrational anger and fury that suddenly made him want to punch Chris Winters of all people in the face, never mind that they were still filming, never mind anything, just that he was too close to Luna and that, for some reason, made him furious.


“Professor Hunt? And Priya Singh? I still can’t believe it.” Addison shook her head as the three friends chattered away, completely ignorant of Thomas’s eavesdropping.

No, he wasn’t EAVESDROPPING. He just…happened to hear their conversation. That was all. It certainly wasn’t that he had immediately whirled around hearing Luna’s murmur of his name, as Addison and Ethan continued to argue on the point of his romanceability. He felt he should be more offended, but it wasn’t their reactions he was looking for.

“I just can’t see-y’know, Hunt as somebody’s boyfriend.” Addison shrugged. “Even Professor Singh’s.”

“Really?” He was surprised, both at how happy he was that Luna seemed to disagree and how she was disagreeing at all. “I could see it. Hunt dating someone, I mean.”

“Something you want to tell us?” Ethan wisecracked with his signature flash of a smile. “Because you’ve been staring a lot at the good professor lately.”

“He’s our teacher. You’re supposed to stare at him. It’s a sign of paying attention.” Luna gave Ethan a light shove, but he didn’t let up.

“That’s not an ‘I’m learning from you’ stare, that’s a “Damn, you’re hot’ stare if I ever saw one. And I’ve repped enough rom-com actors to know when I’m seeing one.”

Luna opened and closed her mouth at least three times before seeming to settle on “Shut up, Ethan.”


“Brian Ratzik is an absolute jerk.” Luna spun around, the floaty material of her dress moving with her as she drunkenly danced to music only she could hear, somehow managing to make it look surprisingly graceful as she went. “But he has good champagne, I gotta admit.”

Thomas couldn’t deny that one. Ratzik was detestable, and he couldn’t remember why he’d been at that damn party in the first place, but here he was, trying to get them out the door before the police showed up at Ratzik’s house for the third time that week.

Luna had, at least, moved on from singing songs from Into the Woods at the top of her lungs.

He was trying very hard to ignore the part of him that found it adorable.

“Y’know, profeeeesssor,” Luna grinned as she linked her arm through his, “You’re kinda cute when you’re not yelling at meeeee.”

He decided not to respond. Getting her to her dorm was already hard enough.

Three Broadway songs, one attempt to get a cat down from a tree, and four terrible pickup lines later, she was at the door of her dorm house, and had seemed to sober up at least slightly.

Only slightly.

“Hey, Professor Hunt?”

He turned around.

“Thanks. For getting me home safe and all.” She grinned, and he was pretty sure that goddamnit, he was BLUSHING. Shit.

He was so caught up in willing his face to turn less of a shade of pink that he almost missed what she said next.

‘You’re a good guy, Thomas. Guess that’ s one of the reasons I think I’m in love with you.”

Then she turned around, and walked back into her dorm, and that was NOT helping the blush and was that the alcohol or did she mean it did she even know what she was doing and it had just now hit him all at once that he loved her too.

He had been to dozens of weddings in his lifetime, but the opening of ‘Here Comes the Bride,’ had never been more beautiful.

He awoke from his reverie to pay attention to Luna, walking down the aisle, and all he could think about was the memories that had brought them here, and all the memories that were to come.


ahhh sorry this is so short
