#those two scenes sound incredible



in the hopes of manifesting the free time to actually do them, here’s what I want to do:

  • actually for realsies draw an Emry Karic portrait that I think accurately represents him in my style (I feel like I’ve never gotten him quite right, but I’m happy with my original Cal and Aspen portraits)
  • start writing the Rival Most Vial reader magnet (Ambrose at his first potion convention! teenage Ambrose! teenage Dawn! guest starring Ambrose’s mentor (derogatory) Master Pearce!)
  • write a scene where Ambrose overhears a song about Eli’s adventuring group and goes “wait he dID WHAT on that quest? son of a- he told me he hadn’t gone anywhere NEAR the dragon! and that man just sang about how he STABBED the DRAGON”
  • start actually for realsies writing The Spirit Well draft 0